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Friday, June 01, 2001

For mature readers only
Local sadistic madman, "John", has released his daily rants to the general public. New this issue is the sudden pressures of governing the nation of China (Hmm... does that include Taiwan?) and also his personal experiences as the harsh reality of the onset of the Gulf War loomed back in 1990 or '91 or something...

The JohnŽ is a satirical website published by John.
The JohnŽ uses invented names in all its stories, except in cases when friends are being satirized.
The JohnŽ is not intended for readers under 18 years of age.

posted by Stanley @ 10:19 PM |

Upgraded Website and New ICQ Skins
Check out the newly revamped Love Songs website. There's some new songs, and a bunch of new interactive sections. And for Internet Explorer users, there's controls for volume, autoplay and font sizes. =)

Also check out my new Sakura ICQ Plus skin at Deviant Art =) It won the Daily Skin award for May 26 =) Sakura (which means Cherry Blossom in Japanese) is a cute skin I made for my friend. Matching Sakura Winamp skin is also available.
posted by Stanley @ 4:49 AM |

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