Breakdown large intestine

Jessica I ' m   s u r e   y o u ' v e
s e e n   a   p i c t u r e
o f   a   l a r g e
i n t e s t i n e
   b e f o r e !

l a r g e   i n t e s t i n e

The large intestine is made up of four parts: the colon, cecum, appendix, and rectum. Material in the large intestine is mostly indigestible residue and liquid. The large intestine has four basic functions: 1.) the reabsorbtion of water, 2.) the reabsorbtion of electrolytes, 3.) the formation of feces, and 4.) the storage of feces. If compared to the small intestine, it plays a very little part in the digestive process.

The large intestine secretes alkaline mucus that protects epithelial tissues and neutralizes acids produced by bacterial metabolism. In addition, the mucus aids in the holding together of fecal matter. Water, salts, and vitamins are absorbed, and the remaining materials in the lumen form feces, which are mostly cellulose, bacteria, and bilirubin.

Bacteria live and actively divide within the large intestine where they play a large role in the processing of undigested material into feces. When bacterial fermentation occurs, gas is produced within the colon at the rate of about 500 milliliters per day. This rate increases greatly after the consumption of beans or other vegetable material because the passing of undigested plant matter into the large intestine renders material for fermentation.

l a r g e   i n t e s t i n e   q u i z

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The appendix is located near the large intestine. Appendicities results from the swelling due to inflamation. This causes bacteria to grow. This becomes dangerous if the appendix bursts, causing bacteria to spread.

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